I just found out something about myself for the past few days. It's nothing big or anything, but it surprises me a bit. I'm attracted to the color pink. PINK! Soft pastel pink to be exact. Throughout my 24 years of life (ok now you guys know how old am i..hehee) pink was never in my dictionary! never! I like bright and fierce color like blood red, black, and grey. If you go through my childhood closet it all black, red and grey. Sounds like such a sad and rebellious child.huhu
As i grow into my 20's I started to like purple. My room is purple, my curtain is purple, my kurung is purple..everything in purple looks so beautiful. But not up to being a purple freak.hee
Now i'm starting to love pink. My initial ideas for the engagement was the color pink belacan.. what do we call pink belacan in english?? idunno... but pink belacan has a bit of a purple right? that's why i choose it. As i tried to find the perfect color for the lining and scarf, it brought me closer to the color soft pink. That's when I realize I love pink. I even try to make my hantaran for him pink! with a touch of purple.hehe. And i am soooooooo in love with this hantaran below. Might consider this color combination as THE hantaran for nikah.
source: Beads & Ribbons
I do believe that the changes in my interest in colors do resembles the changes in my characteristics and personalities. So does this me im getting more on the soft sides? heee.. *ferasann*
I do believe that the changes in my interest in colors do resembles the changes in my characteristics and personalities. So does this me im getting more on the soft sides? heee.. *ferasann*
p/s: sayang, you're in for a pink lover..hehe
da nk kawen...sume ter'reveal'...hehehe
hehehe, tula, harap2 yg reveal tu benda yg elok2 la..
pink belacan?heheheh 1st tyme dgr =)
bukan name scientific..hehe, cantik warna tu..lembut je..
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