Sunday, October 16, 2011

#17 Simple & Budget Pelamin

Assalamualaikum =))

Finally I get to continue my "pelamin anganku musnah" story.. kecoh betul, masalah xdelah besar sgt pun..haha.. InsyaAllah, to every problems there's a solution ;)

Ok, where was I? ohh.. I CAN'T HIRE ANYONE TO DO THE DAIS..

Sooo..looks like i have to go DIY for my solemnization dais with this very uncreative hands of mine..huhu.. Since mom said she don't want me to hire anyone, i suppose the dais should be very simple and should not invest a lot of money in it..

What i have in mind is to use the available curtain in my house.. luckily there's a huge sliding door in the house, and mom loves plain and earth color curtains. tettenenet!!! So that is where it's going to be my so called dais now..haha. Are you guys with me? I did a little search on the Internet, here are some dais that used existing curtains in the house..

Oppss..there's no curtain here..hehehe.. It's very simple right? We don't need to buy a lot of stuff.. But the right combination of colors will make the "budget" dais looks exclusive i suppose. I still want to try to put in some paper flowers and origami in the background.. teheee ^__^ Wish me luck ya??


A.N.A said...

hai..lala link kamoo..

Little Cinderella said...

zimie: heheh.kaan.. tp takot la kalo jd disaster plak..x pernah buat deco2 pelamin ni..huhu..

Little Cinderella said...

terima kasih lala.. linked you back too ;)

Unknown said...

i suka yang second last tu. tak banyak guna barang pon tapi cantik je.kan. btw i nak email u pls.:)

Little Cinderella said...

kaaann..suci lg berseri ;) check ur email..

Ms. Omey said...

Yg 2nd last tu cntik..sgt simple but yet still nmpk exclusice n elegant..btw i link u to read bout ur engagement day since mine is coming soon..heheh


Little Cinderella said...

thank you for reading ;)

oh btw, good luck with the preparation k..

yup2, berkenan yg tu juge..

Miss Ika said...

already link you, dear. :)

simple2 pon kalau cute lg sangat berbaloi. hehe

Anonymous said...

Terima kasih untuk blog yang menarik