Baju tunang dah siap! Woott!! This is actually my first time with this particular tailor. Alhamdulillah, I am satisfied with their work. So, I decided to let them design my reception dress too. Hopefully it will turn out good too. Anyway, I'll do the review on my dress after the engagement day okay? hehehe.. Here's a sneak peak of my engagement dress. Just a simple baju kurung moden like I wanted. =)
p/s: I just realize I don't have baju raya..bahahaha..
tak perlu baju raya kot bile da seronok dapat baju cantek ni......
serious....baju tunang awak sgt2 cantek.....!!!
nice la colour..cantikkk..
exchanged link
!!!cantik sgt!!!
Cik lijah: Thank you ;) beraya dgn baju tunang je lah..over taw..haha.
Zimie:thanks zimie;)
Izyani: thanks ;) u pon mesti suke pink jgk kn..hee.. jom2!will link you back
Gtob: ;)
tak sabar nak tgk awak pakai eheheh :)
tak sabar nk tgk awak pakai ehehe
hi cinderella! when is your e-day? i'm a 2012 b2b from melaka ;)
kindly visit me back yeah~ Ira..
waa....shanteknye...shuke kaen dia ombak2 cmtuh....
*x taw la bju nikah rupe ap*
nora: pon tak sabar nak pakai complete attire..cmne la rupe agaknye..huhu
ira: haii ira.. after raya insyaAllah hujung sept.. salam perkenalan ;)
Linda, terima kasih ;) baju nikah simple je..x gune kain lace pon..
mmg cantik la baju nih..kaler tue yg saya suka.. =)
terima kasih lieza.. ;) same pink dgn bju awk..
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